

I’ve had some fun the last few months photographing instructors from my yoga studio.  Brooke is the first of these sessions.

Brooke teaches at Namasté and 5 other locations in New Orleans.  She is the owner of and serves on a local alumnae board with me, which is how we originally met.

2 thoughts on “Brooke

  1. 🙂 Made my day. I’ve learned a LOT since those days in my garage, including how to photograph a very tall yogi without her feet extending off the confines of the backdrop (Brooke is tall like you!) and how to grab plank quickly (I tell them all about you and that 3-minute plank you held for me to get the perfect shot!) and I’ve also since learned how incredibly difficult it is to hold plank, let alone hold plank, smile, breathe and instruct all at the same time!

    You wouldn’t even have to move to New Orleans, you could just bring all your boys over for a summer visit. I’ll put you to work as a guest instructor, so the whole trip will be a tax write-off.

    Wait’ll you and Myra see my next yoga studio post — it’s a product shot. You won’t believe what my brother found in Oregon. If that doesn’t get you two here for a visit, nothing will…

  2. Very cool photos!! How long did you make her hold plank? 😉
    I miss you so very much! These photos make me want to move to new Orleans and sip wine with my dear friend!! Love you!!

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