Dr. Elsayed

Dr. Sohaib Elsayed is board certified in family medicine with experience in adult and pediatric primary care.
What differentiates Elsayed Primary Care is the “Direct Primary Care,” or DPC model.
Under this model, patients get more time with their doctor to evaluate and weigh treatment options. By cutting out the middle-man of insurance, Dr. Elsayed is able to spend more time with patients, offer flexible appointment times without the rush, one-on-one access to him with text, email, or video consultations, and same or next-day appointments for sick care or office visits.
Service is provided by a low monthly fee with no copays or deductible. He accepts both insured and uninsured patients and his unique contracts with major laboratories to make most lab fees considerably lower than traditional co-pays.
AND, he’s quite friendly and sports an infectious smile, to boot!
Visit www.elsayedprimarycare.com for more information or to speak with Dr. Elsayed directly to find out if this option is right for you and your family.